Our Story

Ever stood in front of a closet full of clothes and thought, 'What on earth do I wear today?' That was me, every morning – until I decided to rewrite the rules. I'm Shirine, and I founded &i to transform your 'nothing to wear' moments into ‘ready for anything’ moments.

My life, like that of many others, is a dynamic blend of activities. From morning runs to gym sessions, or casual walks to brunches with friends. Each part of my day was distinct, each requiring a different outfit – a routine that was both time-consuming and mentally exhausting.

On one of those days, amidst my wardrobe frustration, I asked myself, 'What if there was a way to streamline this? What if I could create a style that could effortlessly adapt to all parts of my day?' That was the moment I envisioned everywear – apparel that seamlessly integrates style, comfort, and functionality into your life.

I aimed to design clothes that could journey with you from morning runs to stylish brunches, from intense workouts to relaxed afternoons, without the need for constant changes. At &i, every garment is thoughtfully designed, combining high-quality materials with innovative styling, ensuring that every thread resonates with our ethos of adaptability and style.

With &i, you’re not just choosing an outfit; you’re getting ready for whatever the day holds. It's for the go-getters, the movers, the dreamers who want their fashion to be as flexible and vibrant as their lives.

Keep Going,